HSTY 1302. U.S. History Since 1876. 3 Hours. [TCCN: HIST 1302]
Students examine the history of the United States from 1876 to the present. Course Equivalents: HIST 1302 .
Students examine the history of the United States from 1876 to the present. Course Equivalents: HIST 1302 .
...History 6 Hours Required HSTY 1301 HIST 1301 HSTY 1302 HIST 1302 Component Area VII...
...not limited to: HSTY 1301 HSTY 1302 , HSTY 2311 HSTY 2312 , HSTY 3300 , and upper...
...Component Area I (Communication). 4 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
...Component Area I (Communications). 3 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
...Life and Physical Science). 6 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
...Component Area I (Communication). 2 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
...Area V (Creative Arts). 2 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
...Area V (Creative Arts). 2 HSTY 1301 and HSTY 1302 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement...
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