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Search Results for "CHEM 1411"

CHEM 1411. General Chemistry I. 4 Hours. [TCCN: CHEM 1411]

The following topics are studied: chemical changes and laws governing them; nomenclature; introduction to thermodynamics; reactions involving oxygen, hydrogen, acids, bases, and salts; ionization; metathesis; the periodic table, and atomic and molecular structure. Three-hour laboratory. This course is for chemistry and other science majors. Fall, Spring, Summer I. Course Equivalents: CHEM 1311
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MATH 1410, MATH 1314, MATH 1324 or MATH 2384 or equivalent, or a minimum Math score of 23 on the ACT or 560 on the SAT (580 on new SAT) or equivalent.