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Search Results for "ANSC 2360"

ANSC 2360. Animals and Society. 3 Hours.

This course acquaints the student with the broad role of animals in society from national, global, and historic perspectives. The impact of animals and domestic livestock on economic, social, and political policy are discussed. Emphasis is placed on agricultural and non-agricultural uses, societal and cultural perspectives, consumer influences, animal ethics, animal research, appropriate animal care, livestock quality assurance programs, animal welfare, animal rights and the animal-human bond. Course Equivalents: AGRI 2360 .

Bachelor of Science, Major in Animal Science: Animal Care and Welfare Concentration
1 CHEM 1406 , CHEM 1407 , CHEM 1411 , and CHEM 1412 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) and the Degree Specific requirement. 2 ANSC 2360 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) and the major. 3 COMS 1361 and COMS 2382 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option) and the Degree Specific Requirement.

Bachelor of Science, Major in Animal Science with Teaching Certification
1 Satisfies requirement for Core Curriculum Component Area II (Mathematics). 2 CHEM 1406 and CHEM 1407  (and CHEM 1411 and CHEM 1412 ) satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) and the Degree Specific Requirement. 3 PLSC 2399 is recommended and satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area V (Creative Arts). 4 ANSC 2360 is recommended and satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences).  5 A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so additional semester credits hours may be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours.  6 The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program: Minor in Early Childhood Education.