Minor in French

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.shsu.edu.

A minor in French requires a total of 23 hours of coursework. These include:

Minor in French
FREN 1411Elementary French4
FREN 1412Elementary French4
FREN 2311Intermediate French I3
FREN 2312Intermediate French II3
Advanced courses (six hours of which must be taken in residence.) 19
Total Hours23

WOLC 4363 may also be counted as an advanced course for the minor.

Foreign Language Requirement

The 12-14 semester hour requirement consists of four courses in one language: 1411, 1412, 2311, and 2312. These courses must be taken in sequence. No two courses in the series may be taken concurrently without the written approval of the Department Chair. The requirement reads “12-14 hours” to accommodate transfer students from institutions that award only 3 hours credit for each semester of the first year.

Credit-by-Examination/Placement Examination

The University offers a CLEP subject exam in order to determine the amount of credit to be given for courses which need not be taken because of adequate performance on the examination. Inquiries should be directed to the SHSU Testing Center.