Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology (Clinical Exercise Science): 3+2 MSAT

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

In the 3+2 degree option, students must apply and be accepted to the Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT) program to complete the dual degree. Students who are not accepted to the MSAT should complete the associated BS degree. Students who complete the MSAT 3+2 dual degrees are awarded both the BS and MSAT degrees upon completion of the 3+2 degree requirements. Below are the requirements for the BS in Kinesiology with Concentration in Clinical Exercise Science + MSAT.

Students planning to pursue the 3+2 MSAT option must complete the Graduate Application process and be accepted to the MSAT program. In order to apply to the 3+2 MSAT program students must complete all undergraduate degree plan requirements (minimum of 95 semester credit hours) and all admission requirements. 

Students may apply to the program while coursework is in-progress but may not begin the graduate MSAT program until the prescribed 95 undergraduate semester credit hours are completed.

Once a student is accepted to the graduate MSAT program, students are eligible to begin the MSAT program upon completion of all admission requirements.  The graduate program will begin in the Summer I semester term each year and will run as a cohort model. If a student is not accepted, or does not successfully progress through graduate MSAT coursework, then the student will return to the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science to complete their BS degree.

MSAT Graduate Catalog  

BS Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science: 

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology (Clinical Exercise Science): 3+2 MSAT
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics) 13
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 2,38
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 43
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 53
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 64
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 1406General Biology I 2, 34
BIOL 2403Human Anatomy & Physiology I 2, 74
BIOL 2404Human Anatomy & Physiology II 2, 74
CHEM 1411General Chemistry I 24
COMS 1361Public Speaking 63
FSCN 2362Nutrition3
KINE 1331Foundations of Kinesiology 83
or ATTR 2300 Intro to Athletic Training
KINE 2115Lifetime Health and Wellness 61
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
MATH 1316Plane Trigonometry 13
PHYS 1301
PHYS 1101
General Phy-Mechanics & Heat
and General Physics Laboratory I
PSYC 1301Introduction To Psychology 53
Select one of the following:3-4
Statistical Mthods in Practice
Research Methods 9
Statistical Methds in Practice
Major: Foundation
KINE 2114Wgt Train & Phy Conditioning1
KINE 3362Functional Kinesiology 83
KINE 3364Motor Learning 83
KINE 3373Physiology of Exercise 83
Major: Required
ATTR 3370Prevention & Care of Injuries 83
ATTR 4369Therapeutic Exercise Interventions3
or KINE 4314 Advanced Strength Training
KINE 3173Exercise Physiology Laboratory1
KINE 4362Biomechanical Analysis3
KINE 4373Adv Tpcs in Physlgy of Exercis3
KINE 4377Prin Exer Testing/Prescription3
Major: Prescribed Electives 103
3+2 MSAT 11
ATTR 5210Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training I2
ATTR 5220Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training II2
ATTR 5230Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training III2
ATTR 5240Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training IV2
ATTR 5300Injury Prevention and Protective Strategies3
ATTR 5310Clinical Evaluation and Assessment Fundamentals3
ATTR 5311
ATTR 5111
Lower Extremity Injuries
and Lower Extremity Injuries Lab
ATTR 5312
ATTR 5112
Upper Extremity Injuries
and Upper Extremity Injuries Lab
ATTR 5313Head and Facial Injuries in Sport3
ATTR 5314Spine and Pelvis Injuries3
ATTR 5315Non-Orthopedic Pathologies in Sport and Exercise3
ATTR 5330
ATTR 5130
Therapeutic Interventions I
and Therapeutic Intervention I Lab
ATTR 5321
ATTR 5121
Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Acute Care
and Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Acute Care Lab
ATTR 5331
ATTR 5131
Therapeutic Interventions II
and Therapeutic Intervention II Lab
ATTR 5340Administration in Athletic Training3
ATTR 5350Immersive Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training3
HLTH 5371Health Care Quality & Safety3
HLTH 5378Health Care Informatics3
KINE 5374Applied Research Methods in Kinesiology3
Minor: Not Required 12
Total Hours153-154

MATH 1314 and MATH 1316 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


BIOL 1406BIOL 2403, BIOL 2404, and CHEM 1411 satisfy Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science). BIOL 1406, BIOL 2403, BIOL 2404, and CHEM 1411are required prerequisites for the MSAT program and require a grade of “C” or higher.


BIOL 1406 is required. 


SOCI 2319 is a recommended (not required) prerequisite for the MSAT program and satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, a Philosophy, and Culture).


PSYC 1301 satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences). PSYC 1301 is a required prerequisite for the MSAT program and requires a grade of “C” or higher.


COMS 1361 and KINE 2115 satisfy Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Must take eight hour sequence of BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404, and these courses must be taken early in the degree plan to allow proper sequencing of classes. BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 are required prerequisites for the MSAT program and require a grade of “C” or higher.


ATTR 2300 is a recommended (not required) prerequisite for the MSAT program and includes 75 observation clinical hours. KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 is a prerequisite for ATTR 3370, KINE 3362, KINE 3364, and KINE 3373.


PSYC 3401 adds one semester credit hour to the degree plan.


The Prescribed Electives will include courses from ATTR, BIOL, CHEM, HLTH, KINE, PHYS, or PSYC and should be upper level to meet the 42 advanced hour requirement. HLTH 2372, HLTH 3350, HLTH 3360, KINE 4335 are recommended (not required) prerequisites for the MSAT program. Other suggested electives include:  ATTR 4369KINE 4369; KINE 4117 and KINE 4392 and can be taken for students wanting to gain research experience.


Students planning to pursue the 3+2 MSAT option must complete the Graduate Application process and be accepted to the MSAT program. In order to apply to the 3+2 MSAT program students must complete all undergraduate degree plan requirements (minimum of 95 semester credit hours) and all admission requirements.  Once a student is accepted to the graduate MSAT program, students are eligible to begin the MSAT program upon completion of all admission requirements.  The graduate program will begin in the Summer I semester term each year and will run as a cohort model.  Students may apply to the program while coursework is in-progress but may not begin the graduate MSAT program until the 95 semester credit hours are completed.


The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program: Minor in Kinesiology. 

The courses below will be replaced with graduate level courses in the MSAT:
ENGL 3330Intro to Technical Writing3
KINE 4375Kinesiology Research Methods3
KINE 4393Prncples& Prac of Adlt Fit Mgt3
KINE 4394Internship3
KINE 4395Internship II3
Major: Prescribed Electives10
Total Hours25


The MSAT program has a minimum GPA requirement of 3.25 or higher. For more specific MSAT admission requirements, please see the Graduate Catalog page for more information.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science degree. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science degree.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science degree.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science degree.

Students who are preparing to apply to graduate programs should earn a "C" or better in their coursework. All KINE majors and/or minors must earn a "C" or better for all KINE/ATTR courses and all MSAT prospective students must earn a "C" or better in all pre-requisite courses.

Students must take BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 as an 8 hour sequence and this should be taken early in the degree program.

Students should take ATTR 2300 or KINE 1331 early in the sophomore year to prepare for upper level KINE and ATTR courses. 

ATTR 2300 is recommended for MSAT 3+2 prospective students and includes 75 observation clinical hours. KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 is a prerequisite for ATTR 3370, KINE 3362, KINE 3364, and KINE 3373.

MATH 1410 or MATH 1316 or MATH 1420 are prerequisites for PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for courses.

CHEM 1411, with a "C" or higher, is a prerequisite for CHEM 1412.

MATH 3379 requires 3 hours of college math.

KINE 3362 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, BIOL 2403, and 45+ hours.

KINE 3364 requires KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 and 45+ hours.

ATTR 3370 requires prerequisites KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 and BIOL 2403 and 45+ hours.

KINE 3373 requires prerequisites KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 and BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 and 45+ hours.

KINE 4314 requires prerequisites of KINE 2114 and KINE 3373.

KINE 4362 requires prerequisites of KINE 3362, PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.

KINE 4373 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3373

KINE 4377 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362 and KINE 3373.

BIOL 4374 requires 8 hours of advanced BIOL and MATH 1314 or MATH 1420.

First Year
Component Area IV13BIOL 24042,34 
BIOL 24032,34ENGL 130243 
ENGL 130143HIST 130253 
HIST 130153MATH 131663 
MATH 131463PSYC 130173 
 16 16 
Second Year
ATTR 2300 or KINE 133183CHEM 141124 
BIOL 14062,94FSCN 23623 
BIOL 4374, MATH 3379, PSYC 3401, or STAT 3379103-4KINE 336283 
COMS 1361113POLS 2305123 
KINE 21141POLS 2306123 
KINE 2115111  
 15-16 16 
Third Year
Component Area V3ATTR 4369 or KINE 43143Students who are accepted into the MSAT will follow this degree path; students not accepted will continue with the BS in Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science14
ATTR 337083KINE 31731ATTR 5300143
KINE 336483KINE 43623ATTR 5310143
KINE 337383KINE 437383ATTR 5321143
PHYS 1301
PHYS 1101
4KINE 43773ATTR 5121141
 Prescribed Electives133 
 16 16 10
Fourth Year
ATTR 51111ATTR 51121ATTR 52302
ATTR 51301ATTR 51311ATTR 53143
ATTR 52102ATTR 52202HLTH 53743
ATTR 53113ATTR 53123HLTH 53783
ATTR 53303ATTR 53133 
 ATTR 53313 
 10 13 11
Fifth Year
ATTR 53503ATTR 52402 
HLTH 53713ATTR 53153 
 ATTR 53403 
 6 8 
Total Hours: 153-154

SOCI 2319 is a recommended (not required) prerequisite for the MSAT program and satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, a Philosophy, and Culture).


BIOL 1406, BIOL 2403, BIOL 2404, and CHEM 1411 satisfy Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science). BIOL 1406 BIOL 2403 BIOL 2404, and CHEM 1411 are required prerequisites for the MSAT program and require a grade of “C” or higher.


Must take 8 hour sequence of BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 or 8 hour sequence of BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404, and these courses must be taken early in the degree plan to allow proper sequencing of classes.


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area I (Communication).


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VI (U.S. History).


MATH 1314 and MATH 1316 satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


PSYC 1301 satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences). PSYC 1301 is a required prerequisite for the MSAT program and requires a grade of “C” or higher.


ATTR 2300 is recommended for MSAT 3+2 prospective students and includes 75 observation clinical hours. KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 is a prerequisite for ATTR 3370KINE 3362KINE 3364, and KINE 3373.


BIOL 1406 is required. 


PSYC 3401 will add one semester credit hour to the degree plan.


COMS 1361 and KINE 2115 satisfy Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VII (Political Science/Government).


Prescribed Electives must be upper level to meet 42 advanced hour requirement and be selected from ATTR, BIOL, CHEM, HLTH, KINE, PHYS, or PSYC. HLTH 2372, HLTH 3350, HLTH 3360, KINE 4335 are recommended for MSAT 3+2 prospective students. Other suggested electives include: ATTR 4369 & KINE 4369; KINE 4117 and KINE 4392 can be taken for students wanting to gain research experience.


Students planning to pursue the 3+2 MSAT option must complete the Graduate Application process and be accepted to the MSAT program. In order to apply to the 3+2 MSAT program students must complete all undergraduate degree plan requirements (minimum of 95 semester credit hours) and all admission requirements.  Once a student is accepted to the graduate MSAT program, students are eligible to begin the MSAT program upon completion of all admission requirements.  The graduate program will begin in the Summer I semester term each year and will run as a cohort model.  Students may apply to the program while coursework is in-progress but may not begin the graduate MSAT program until the 95 semester credit hours are completed.

MSAT Graduate Catalog

BS Kinesiology - Clinical Exercise Science


The MSAT program has a minimum GPA requirement of 3.25 or higher. For more specific MSAT admission requirements, please see the Graduate Catalog page for more information.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so additional semester credits hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours. 

The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program: Minor in Kinesiology.

Students who are preparing to apply to graduate programs should earn a "C" or better in their coursework.  All KINE majors and/or minors must earn a "C" or better for all KINE/ATTR courses and all MSAT prospective students must earn a "C" or better in all pre-requisite courses.

Students should take ATTR 2300 or KINE 1331 early in the sophomore year to prepare for upper level KINE and ATTR courses.

ATTR 2300 is recommended for MSAT 3+2 prospective students and includes 75 observation clinical hours. KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300 is a prerequisite for ATTR 3370KINE 3362KINE 3364, and KINE 3373.

Students must take BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 as an 8 hour sequence and this should be taken early in the degree program.

MATH 1410 or MATH 1316 or MATH 1420 are prerequisites for PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for courses.

CHEM 1411, with a "C" or higher, is a prerequisite for CHEM 1412.

MATH 3379 requires 3 hours of college math.

BIOL 4374 requires 8 hours of advanced BIOL and MATH 1314 or MATH 1420.

ATTR 3370 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300BIOL 2403 and 45+ hours.

KINE 3373 requires a prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 and 45 hours.

KINE 3362 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, BIOL 2403, and 45+ hours.

KINE 3364 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and 45+ hours.

KINE 4314 requires prerequisites of KINE 2114 and KINE 3373.

KINE 4362 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.

KINE 4377 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362 and KINE 3373.

KINE 4373 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3373

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The BS in Kinesiology (Clinical Exercise Science): 3+2 MSAT option is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Exercise assessment and prescription.
  • Fitness program design and implementation.
  • Critical thinking and decision making related to ethical and professional responsibilities in exercise science.
  • Strategies for performance enhancement and prevention of injuries.
  • Effective communication with a range of audiences in exercise science settings. 
  • Communicate and collaborate with other healthcare professions.
  • Promote healthy lifestyle behaviors to minimize the risk of injury and illness.
  • Implement systematic, evidence-based examinations and assessments to determine best care for active patient populations.
  • Utilize best practices in immediate and emergency care situations.
  • Apply therapeutic interventions, including therapeutic modalities, manual therapies, and therapeutic exercise.
  • Integrate best practices of policy development, documentation practices, and basic business practices to promote optimal patient care.