Higher Education (HIED)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.shsu.edu.

HIED 5088. Special Topics in Higher Ed. 3 Hours.

HIED 5089. Independent Study Higher Ed. 1-3 Hours.

HIED 5360. Hist & Organization of High Ed. 3 Hours.

Students study organizational and administrative roles in higher education. Through collaboration, research, and independent inquiry, candidates examine organizational and administrative roles in higher education. Executive leadership issues in higher education are explored with a focus on conceptual content that prepares students for mid-level administration and management of higher education.

HIED 5361. Contemporary Issues in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students study contemporary issues in higher education which includes information concerning the current generation of college students and how they develop while they are in college. Additionally, the impact of technology on students, faculty, and society are examined. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical basis for key issues facing higher education in a rapidly changing society.

HIED 5362. Higher Education Resource Management. 3 Hours.

Students develop knowledge and skills in both resource development and allocation based on institutional mission and planning. Human, physical and financial resources are examined in the context of planning, programming, budgeting systems, evaluation of outcomes, and institutional needs.

HIED 5363. Information Tech in Higher Ed. 3 Hours.

This course provides the higher education administrator with a systems approach to Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) and emerging technologies in education to enhance assessments, strategic planning, continuous improvement, and academic partnerships.

HIED 5364. Leadership in Education. 3 Hours.

Students examine leadership theories, models, and processes with emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary as 21st century leaders in higher education administration. Current leadership theory are applied to emerging issues in higher education administration.

HIED 5365. Academic Affairs in HIED. 3 Hours.

Students study the factors that influence the development of instruction and curriculum in higher education. Policies and procedures for designing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum at the college level are examined. Candidates examine accreditation trends, issues, and problems in higher education administration. Curriculum theory and design, practices in goal setting, planning, and instructional improvement, are emphasized.

HIED 5366. Assessment in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students explore the philosophy, technique, and application of assessment in higher education settings. Students engage in guided development of an assessment project, exploring methods of assessment and means of advocating for evidence based change.
Prerequisite: HIED 5379 or EDAD 5379.

HIED 5367. Diverse Student Populations. 3 Hours.

Graduate students explore current demographic trends in higher education student populations. Additional study into student development theory is made to further refine higher education administrators’ understanding of how a variety of students grow and develop in higher education.
Prerequisite: Admission in to the Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration.

HIED 5370. Career Advising in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students address a wide range of career advising tools, theories, and assessments available in advising students in higher education. Students examine the fundamental theories of career advising, advising on major selection, and gain familiarity with advising resources.

HIED 5378. Legal Issues: Higher Ed. Admin. 3 Hours.

Students examine contemporary legal issues and concepts that influence higher education. Students explore how various types of higher education institutions engage constituents and judicial systems. Specific attention is given to constitutional, contractual, tort, statutory, common law foundations, and frameworks.

HIED 5379. Research in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students focus on reviews of literature, research design, quantitative and qualitative methods, and sources of higher education research. Specific attention is paid to using scholarships to create or improve higher education programs, curriculum, or policies.

HIED 5387. Independent Study. 3 Hours.

Master of Arts students are provided an opportunity to engage in a detailed field study of a program or problem in higher education administration. The student works under the supervision of a graduate faculty member and will be expected to produce a summative written product or presentation.

HIED 5390. Concepts in Academic Advising. 3 Hours.

Students are provided an overview of the concepts of academic advising as essential components of student success and retention programs in higher education. This course prepares and equips academic advisors for leadership in the area of student success.

HIED 6360. Student Services In Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students are provided in-depth content regarding the practice of student services/student affairs in Higher Education. Theoretical foundations, competencies needed for successful student personnel work, and current issues and problems in student services are addressed. Students are provided a structural framework for the student services organization as it complements academics in institutions of higher education.

HIED 6371. Fundamentals of Data Management. 3 Hours.

Students develop the skills necessary to effectively manage institutional data. Technological aspects of data management, data transformation and manipulation, storage, confidentiality and anonymity, Institutional Review Board procedures and data sharing agreements are addressed.

HIED 6372. Practicum in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

Students are provided a field practicum for students seeking a position working in administration at a college or university. This course is the last course to be taken in the sequence of courses and may be taken with one to two other courses.

HIED 6374. Statistics for Institution Research. 3 Hours.

Students are provided an overview of the most frequently used statistical methods in higher education assessment and institutional research. An emphasis is placed on the use of data and statistical methods to inform institutional decision making.
Prerequisite: HIED 6371.

HIED 6387. Thesis. 3 Hours.

Students work under faculty supervision on a sustained research project to produce a thesis in the field of higher education. Project topics vary based on student interests and the faculty advisor's research expertise. Students gain hands-on experience in conducting research and writing scholarly reports.
Prerequisite: Approval of the program coordinator.