Economics (ECON)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

ECON 5080. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours.

A directed individual study is made of a selected problem in the field of economics. Variable credit (1-3).
Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair and Graduate Coordinator.

ECON 5085. Special Topic. 1-3 Hours.

This course of faculty-led study is designed to provide graduate students exposure to new Economics topics and concepts in a course setting. Variable credit (1-3).

ECON 5300. Economic Principles And Policy. 3 Hours.

An intensive study of microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts; the price system and how it functions under various market structures including perfect competition, pure monopoly, and imperfect market structures including monopolistic competition and oligopoly; resource markets; national income measurement and determination; inflation and unemployment; money and banking; economic stabilization including monetary and fiscal policy; international policy. This course does not apply to the 36-hour graduate credit hour requirement of the MBA degree program.

ECON 5301. Mathematical Methods for Applied Economics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze and apply mathematical methods that are essential to graduate studies in economics and related disciplines. Topics include matrix algebra, differential calculus, optimization, and their applications to economic modeling.

ECON 5305. Microeconomics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze the behavior of consumers, firms, and markets. Topics include consumer choice models, firms’ costs, profits maximization, market structures, uncertainty, and market failures.
Prerequisite: ECON 5301.

ECON 5307. Macroeconomics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze current evidence and theories concerning economic growth and business cycles. Moreover, students will examine the use of fiscal and monetary policies to achieve competing macroeconomic goals of price stability and full employment.
Prerequisite: ECON 5301.

ECON 5325. Econometrics. 3 Hours.

Students examine methods used to estimate, interpret, and apply econometric methods for statistical models in a variety of business and economics settings. Topics include methods for linear cross-sectional models, linear panel-data models, and binary-outcome models.
Prerequisite: BANA 5368.

ECON 5340. International Economics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze a range of topics in international economics with a focus on trade theories, globalization, and financial systems.
Prerequisite: ECON 5305.

ECON 5348. Development Economics. 3 Hours.

Students focus on the microeconomic approaches to poverty-related problems faced by low-income countries. Students analyze the role of human capital, nutrition, infrastructures, credit market, agriculture, program evaluation, and institutions in the development process of low-income countries.

ECON 5350. Applied Topics in Health Economics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze the structure and functioning of the healthcare markets and economic equilibrium in healthcare markets using microeconomic and industrial organization principles. Topics include Grossman’s model of demand for healthcare, supply of healthcare, equilibrium in healthcare market under uncertainty and asymmetric information, market failure, role of insurance and risk analysis, and cost-effectiveness/benefit analysis.

ECON 5351. Seminar In Labor Economics. 3 Hours.

Labor economics focuses on short-run and long-run aspects of supply and demand of labor, including theory and empirical analysis of the behavior of participants in the labor force. Readings in current labor economics literature and appropriate research topics will be covered, including the history of labor organizations. Frequent topics include the microeconomic effects of marriage, fertility, and mobility on labor supply, as well as the macroeconomic effects of unemployment on inflation.

ECON 5352. Energy Economics. 3 Hours.

Students use microeconomic techniques to rigorously examine contemporary energy issues. The market structures for various international energy markets are analyzed, as well as the opportunities and challenges of government regulation and de-regulation of energy markets. Economic analysis of business practices and consumer behavior in markets for renewable energy are emphasized.

ECON 5357. Smnr Managerial Economics. 3 Hours.

This course surveys the fundamental principles of economics that are most relevant to managerial decision-making. Students apply recent developments in economic analysis to topics such as market analysis, profitability and pricing, strategic behavior, and choice under risk and uncertainty.

ECON 5360. Economic Analysis Of Strategy. 3 Hours.

A study of game theoretical tools and their application of important real-world economic phenomena. Topics include: the organization of industry, labor and work-place economics, international trade policies, government and voting strategies, the role of legal institutions in the economy, and bargaining and bidding strategies.

ECON 5370. Economic Theory. 3 Hours.

An integration of micro and macro economic theory with special emphasis on how various economic policy choices may impact the operation of business firms and the national economy. The course requires students to find micro and macroeconomic issues of current interest, gather related quantitative data, and review recent research that apply/test the theories covered in this course.

ECON 5373. Urban Economics. 3 Hours.

Students analyze the economic forces that determine location choices of firms and individuals, as well as the existence and performance of urban agglomerations resulting from these location choices. The methodologies used to measure the spatial distribution of economic activity, public policy solutions to market failures, and urban economic development are examined.