Instructional Leadership (INSL)
INSL 5088. Spec Top in Instruc Leadership. 1-3 Hours.
This course offers graduate students the option of registering for a multi-topic course. The student can take the course under various special topics being offered. Variable Credit 1-3.
INSL 5089. Independent Study in Instructional Technology. 1-3 Hours.
INSL 5378. Curriculum Planning. 3 Hours.
Students study the various factors which influence curriculum change; the role and responsibilities of different personnel and agencies in curriculum planning; procedures in implementing curriculum change; and current programs in public school curriculum K-12.
INSL 5379. Methods of Research. 3 Hours.
Students study types and methods of educational research, the collecting, analyzing and sharing of data with the public. The student is expected to complete a research project or field study utilizing appropriate methods of educational research.
INSL 6360. Learning Theory of Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.
Students study the principles of psychology as they apply to learning and teaching. Pertinent research is studied in an attempt to find ways to make instruction more effective.
INSL 6368. Instructional Supervision. 3 Hours.
Students focus on leadership for the improvement of instruction, including current research on school and teaching effectiveness.
INSL 6372. Practicum in Instructnl Ldrshp. 3 Hours.
Students are provided a field practicum for students seeking a position as an instructional supervisor. The course designed to provide intensive study of the field of instructional leadership. Last course to be taken in the sequence of courses. May be taken with one to two other courses.
INSL 6390. Eval for Instructional Leaders. 3 Hours.
Graduate students in Instructional Leadership gain a comprehensive knowledge of different types and forms of evaluation and their application to educational improvement. In addition, students learn how to analyze data from a variety of forms of assessments to inform instructional decisions. This course includes a comprehensive study of the design, validity/reliability, bias, and use of assessment instruments often associated with educational improvement.