Scholastic Requirements

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Grades and Grade Points

Sam Houston State University’s grade system consists of five grades:

Grade Description Grade Points Per Semester Hours
A Excellent 4
B Above average 3
C Average 2
D Passing (not necessarily satisfying degree requirements) 1
F Failure 0

Note: All of the above grades will be used in grade point average (GPA) calculations.

The following marks are assigned but are not used in the grade point average calculations:

X (Incomplete)

The mark X indicates the student has not been able to complete the course because of emergency circumstances beyond the student’s control. Refer to the Registrar's website for explanation of X grade process.

The X mark is a temporary grade placeholder used under the following circumstance and with the following stipulations:

  • Permission to award the grade of X is granted by the academic chair of the course discipline and with the recommendation of the instructor when emergency circumstances outside of the student’s control prevented the student from being able to complete the assignments and exams for the class.

  • It is expected the student will complete course assignments and any remaining exams without further instruction or tutoring from the instructor assigned to the course.

  • A grade change must be submitted to the Registrar by the grade deadline of the next long term, otherwise, the mark of X will automatically change to a grade of F. Only the instructor of the course may initiate the grade change. (Grade Change Forms are not accepted in the Registrar's Office when delivered by a student or a student worker.)

  • A grade of X will not remain on the student record indefinitely or beyond the next long term.

  • Academic standing will be re-calculated with the submitted grade change or with the change to F and may result in Academic Probation or Suspension and the loss of future term course registration.

MG (Missing Grade)

Assigned to courses for which a final grade was not reported by the instructor at the end of a term.  Students should pursue the posting of the grade with their advisor.  The MG mark is a temporary placeholder with the following stipulations:

  • A grade change must be submitted to the Registrar by the grade deadline of the upcoming fall or spring term (whichever applies).  Only the instructor of the course may initiate the grade change. (Grade Change Forms are not accepted in the Registrar's Office when delivered by a student or a student worker.)
  • A grade of MG will not remain on the student record indefinitely or beyond the next fall or spring term (whichever applies).
  • Academic standing will be re-calculated with the submitted grade change and may result in Academic Probation or Suspension and the loss of future term course registration. 

IP (In Progress)

Assigned to thesis and other selected courses designed to require additional time to complete course requirements. Refer to the Registrar's website for explanation of IP grade process.

CR (Credit)

Designates that academic credit was earned for the course. Hours earned with the mark of CR are counted in determining classification but are not used to calculate GPA.

NC (Non-Credit)

Assigned for failure to complete satisfactorily the requirements for selected courses.

Q (Q-drop)

The mark of Q is assigned to courses dropped from the 13th class day for a fall or spring term or from the 5th class day for a summer session, through the Q-drop deadline as indicated on the Academic Calendar, but prior to any final exams being taken or course completion. Courses with the mark of Q will not be included in the calculation of term or overall grade point averages. Parts of terms within a term (such as 7 1/2 week courses) will use a different class census date unique to the part of term to determine when a Q will be assigned.

Students are allowed no more than 6 Q-drops during their combined career at all Texas public colleges and universities. Any Q-drops accumulated prior to Fall 2007 will not be included in the calculation.  Students are encouraged to visit their academic advisor and financial aid counselor prior to dropping a course.

Courses with the mark of Q are considered hours attempted when calculating excessive hours as mandated by the state and when calculating excessive hours for the purpose of tuition rebate at the point of graduation.

W (Withdraw)

Students who resign after the 12th class day of a fall/spring term receive a mark of W (withdrawn) for each course for which they were enrolled.  If a student has received a grade in any course for that term, including a part of term within the term, they are ineligible to resign. An example would be a student who completes a course within the Summer I session would not be eligible to resign from the Summer II session but would need to meet the deadline to drop the course in the Summer II session.

Courses with the mark of W are considered hours attempted when calculating excessive hours as mandated by the state and when calculating excessive hours for the purpose of tuition rebate at the point of graduation.

* (Developmental Course Designation)

Assigned to developmental courses which are assigned a letter grade with the asterisk (*) symbol.

Note: Class days are University class days (Monday through Friday), not the number of days an individual class meets. Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of on-campus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar.

Determining Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is calculated by dividing the quality points earned by the total GPA hours attempted toward the degree. The total GPA hours attempted toward the degree will not include developmental courses and courses assigned a CR (credit) or NC (non-credit) mark. The grade point average is carried out two decimals (2.00) and is not rounded. Courses receiving the marks of IP or X are not used in the hours calculating the term GPA until such time that the marks are reported with letter grades of A, B, C, D, F. The change of X grade to A/B/C/D/F may affect the term academic standing which will be reviewed with the change of grade process. Developmental courses are currently assigned the grades of CR*/NC* and do not apply to the calculated grade point average nor as credits toward degree completion. Historic developmental courses were assigned grades of A*, B*, C*, D*, F* and were not used in the calculation of grade point average nor as credits toward degree completion.

Quality points earned are determined by multiplying the number of hours assigned to the course by the number assigned to the grade for that course.  For example, the number of quality points for a three-hour course for which a B is earned is nine, i.e. 3 x 3 = 9.  If there are any questions about how grade point averages are determined, please consult with an academic advisor

Quality points are computed for a given term on the basis of term hours attempted. A course attempted, for grade point average purposes, is defined as one in which the student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or F, excluding developmental courses.

For grade point average purposes, the number of GPA hours attempted increases each time a student is assigned a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) for a course with the following exception:  Courses marked with “E” indicate "exclude" and are not calculated into the grade point average.

A student receiving a grade believed to be in error after the grade is reported should request a review of this grade upon receipt. The review of the grade should initiate with the instructor for the course. Please refer to Academic Grievance Procedures for Students located in Student Guidelines.

Repeating Courses Previously Attempted

Careful consideration should be given to the grade point average when deciding to repeat a course at a transfer institution.

  • An “I” for include is noted on the transcript record for the course with the highest grade which is calculated into the grade point average.
  • An “E” for exclude is noted on the transcript record for the course with the lower grade earned which will not be calculated into the grade point average.

A course repeated at a transfer institution where the highest grade is earned would require a recalculation of the grade point average and total hours completed at Sam Houston State and could affect degree requirements. See an academic advisor to have your transcript record and degree plan reviewed.

Repeating a course previously passed (i.e., a course with any grade other than F or NC) more than once may result in the repeated course not being eligible for financial aid.   A student may repeat a previously passed course that counts toward the degree only one time for the repeated course to be financial aid eligible. Second and subsequent repeats of previously passed courses may not be financial aid eligible and are subject to a financial aid review. Courses designated as repeatable for credit by the academic department will be financial aid eligible when the degree plan requirements call for multiple enrollments.

Repeated courses are considered hours attempted when calculating "excessive hours" as mandated by the state and when calculating "excessive hours" for the purpose of Tuition Rebate at the point of graduation.

Class Attendance

  1. Regular and punctual class attendance is expected of each student at Sam Houston State University.
  2. Each faculty member will keep a record of student attendance.
  3. Each faculty member will announce the policies for accepting late work or providing makeup examinations. Students are expected to show appropriate cause for missing or delaying major assignments or examinations.
  4. A student shall not be penalized for three or fewer hours of absences when examinations or other assigned class work has not been missed; however, at the discretion of the instructor, a student may be penalized for more than three hours of absences.
  5. Each instructor is obligated to clarify in writing to each student enrolled in class at the beginning of the term the instructor’s classroom policy regarding absences.
  6. Class absences will be recorded and counted only from the actual day of enrollment for the individual student in that specific class.

Student Absences on Religious Holy Days

Section 51.911(b) of the Texas Education Code requires that an institution of higher education excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student who is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are not given before the designated time in the official examination schedule. A student is not permitted to take a final examination before all other work for the course is completed. The final exam schedule for any current term may be located on the Registrar's website.

Dean’s List of Academic Honors

Those outstanding undergraduate students who attain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, with no grade of F, for all courses attempted while earning not less than twelve semester credit hours of academic coursework during the fall or spring term are included on the Dean’s List of Academic Honors. The Dean’s List is released at the close of each long term. The Dean's List is posted to the Registrar's website. (The twelve semester credit hours of academic course work may not include developmental hours. Developmental hours completed above the twelve academic hours will require the grade of A or B in order to have a student qualify for Dean’s list.)  The Dean's List is not provided for summer terms.

The requirements to be listed on the Dean's List of Academic Honors are:

  • 3.5 GPA for the term inclusive of all courses attempted in the term regardless of repeated courses;
  • Minimum of 12 completed academic hours (developmental hours will not count toward the 12 academic hours completed);
  • Developmental Courses must earn grade of either A* or B* (Students earning grade lower than B* in any developmental courses taken within the term will not qualify for the Dean’s List);

What can prevent a student from being listed on the published online Dean's List?

  • Grades of X or IP within the term
  • Invoking the Buckley Amendment
  • Grade changes processed after the Dean's List is published
  • Graduate, certificate seeking, and professional level students are not eligible for the Dean's List of Academic Honors

As of Fall 2011, a "Dean's List" notation is designated on the official transcript for undergraduate students.

President’s Honor Roll

Those undergraduate students who achieve a grade point average of 4.0 in all coursework attempted while earning not less than twelve semester credit hours of academic coursework during the fall or spring term attain the distinction of being included on the President’s Honor Roll. The names of those students achieving the highest attainable grades denoting academic excellence comprise the President’s Honor Roll and are released at the conclusion of each long term. (The twelve semester credit hours of academic course work may not include developmental hours. Developmental hours completed above the twelve academic hours will require the grade of A in order to have a student qualify for President’s list.)

The requirements to be listed on the President's Honor Roll are:

  • 4.0 GPA for the term inclusive of all courses attempted in the term regardless of repeated courses
  • All course grades recorded within the term must have earned the grade of A
  • Minimum of 12 completed academic hours (developmental hours will not count toward the 12 academic hours completed)
  • Grade of A* must be earned in any developmental courses taken within the term

What can prevent a student from being listed on the published online President's List?

  • Grades of X or IP within the semester
  • Invoking the Buckley Amendment
  • Grade changes processed after the President's List is published.
  • Graduate, certificate seeking, and professional level students are not eligible for the President's Honor Roll.

As of Fall 2011, a "President's List" notation is designated on the official transcript for undergraduate students.